The project Share the Square is a collaboration between MaHKU MA students in Fine Art and Expodium, Platform for Young Art. It is conducted as a series of research based workshop activities organized by Mika Hannula, the curator of the exhibition. These workshops and lectures took place within the framework of the Expodium program with the aim of critically yet constructively re-examining the content and role of interventions in the public space.
Share the Square is a collective effort that has three inter-linked dimensions. It takes places out there, at the Mariaplaats square, as a temporary act of an intervention, both in the front of the conservatory and in the back of the garden; it gains another kind and type of an articulation in the Academiegalerie, a work of art that translates and transforms the interventions which took place in the square; and finally, it is present at the exhibition space as the roots and routes of the development of the project addressed as the research components of each artist’s practice.
Yoon Hee Kim, Wang Shihui, Pedro Kok, Luciana Benaduce Figueiredo, Ron van Grootel, Ryan de Haan, Hyun Ju Chung, Tianji Zhao, Ali Khan Yazdany, Peter Bowyer (photo),Francesco Federici, Leonardo Cabiddu